Wednesday 17 June 2015

WALT entertainmemt

The Hunter and the Boar

by George

Once upon a time there was a tall hunter who loved to wear camo gear, he always had his knife in his giant knife belt. He had to have a extra big belt because he was really fat and he also had to have an extra large rifle strap to carry his rifle on his back. When he went hunting he had to wear a camo beanie on his head because his afro hair didn’t fit under his camo cap.  

The hunter had a pet boar and they lived in a golden mansion, on the top of a very gigantic hill with trees everywhere but  on his driveway. All you could hear outside the mansion was birds chirping like music in your ears.

On a sunny day the big black hairy boar was using his snout and tusks to find food in the kitchen of the mansion.  

The hunter had also run out of food so he decided to shoot the boar and cook it on the BBQ but the boar knew the hunter was trying to shoot him so he kept moving from room to room which made the hunter feel angry.

The hunter decided to blow the mansion up so he got the dynamite from his shed behind the mansion and put bits of dynamite in different rooms and led the ignition cord far away from the mansion. He pushed down the lever on the box and it went KABOOM!

After he saw what happened to his house he realised that he still wouldn’t have any food because the boar will have blown up too. Then suddenly boar guts landed on the top of his head. He felt sick and disturbed about what he had done to the boar and took the guts off his head straight away.

He was so sad and hungry he went to his brothers house for tea and to stay with him until his mansion was rebuilt.

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